An Educational Journey

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Michael Kiebler is an Education Matters Ambassador and advocate for adult degree completion.

He recently completed a Master’s in Human Resources & Organizational Development  with a graduate Certificate in Health Professions Education from University of Louisville.This spring he is starting a second master’s degree in Higher Education Administration. His blog is truly an inspiration for anyone who is considering returning to complete their degree.

An Educational Journey

By Michael Kiebler

Every excuse seemed reasonable and every opportunity seemed unreachable when I was deciding whether or not I should go back to school at age forty-five.  Then I read a quote from Charles Phillips that said “Education is a companion … which no misfortune can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate, and no despotism can enslave.”  This quote motivated me to embark on what would become an amazing six year educational journey.  It motived me to seek out education and make it a companion in my life rather than just a distant unfulfilled dream.  It motived me to begin an educational journey that would help me find a sense of personal fulfillment and accomplishment.  In reflection, I discovered three principles:

The Decision

Make the decision to go back to school and then ACT on your decision.  This is the most important principle. I know it’s hard and often intimidating – but I also know the results of that decision and I can assure you it pays an endless amount of dividends both personal and professional.

The Reason

Make a list of the reasons to go back to school.  Pick one reason that motivates you the most and reflect on it when you face challenges – and you will have those days. My kids were my reason and I discovered they were also my greatest advocates!

The Potential

Abraham Maslow theorized that self-actualization creates a desire for one to find self-fulfillment and maximize the potential one has inside to do what one is capable of doing.  Believe in yourself, discover your potential and find what you are capable of accomplishing.

There are many educational opportunities waiting to be discovered; there are dedicated advisors ready to guide you on your journey; and there are countless mentors ready to help you succeed.  Education matters regardless of where you are in life because it offers you an endless amount of second chances.


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