EMSI Blogger Request

EMSI logoOur mission is to strengthen our workforce and improve the economic advantages of our region by increasing the educational attainment of adults with some post-secondary education but no degree or certification. We are a program of the Community Foundations serving Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott and Washington counties. There are 40,000 adults in our 5-county region who represent our target demographic.

On October 30, 2015, we are launching a grassroots public awareness campaign to help adults complete their college degree or certification. Our goal is to train 45 Ambassadors to reach 45 people in the next 45 days (October 30-December 13, 2015) with the EMSI “Return & Complete” message—that’s 2,000+ people reached!

We are seeking guest bloggers who are knowledgeable in workforce development, adult degree completion, or other related fields especially those with a regional and Southern Indiana perspective. The blog should be engaging, informational and potentially inspiring both to potential degree seekers and also to the community at-large. Infographics, pictures or other visuals are encouraged. Blogs should be no more than 800 words. Blogs should speak to the EMSI mission and not directly promote any single institution or program. A brief bio and photograph of blogger will be included in the post.

Sample topics include:

  • Why employer training programs are important
  • Why employee education benefits are important
  • Why is adult degree completion important
  • Personal testimonial or success story about adult(s) completing degree or certification
  • What are the hot jobs and what kind of training is required– who makes a good candidate for these training programs
  • 5 Reasons why learning can and should happen at any age or stage in life
  • What is the “skills gap”
  • Top 10 attributes of an adult friendly degree completion program

Please contact Bridgett Strickler, Executive Director, if you are interested in being a guest blogger or have a referral for a potential guest blogger.



EMSI Blogger request